Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I changed meh name......Im now Lia Richie. (no hearts or simbols just straight Lia Richie )

i gots AG :D

I....Crela Richie....GOT AG :D

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stupid pico casino zeros.......................BTW my pagveiws bumped up to 405!Thank you for seeing my blog!Lolz.(laugh out loud x2)
I was cooking for miss medical!This is a dream come true!She loves the taste of my cookies!Plus im a nurse there too!
I made a new freind :D yeah she a noob.So what?I like her!(as a freind.)
Shes so nice.I help her get stars too!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

So sad :( Phan, my ex freind,its a girl,and,she deleted me :( I now hate phan.Go delete her.DO IT.Please?For me?Okay you dont have to...But still shes mean.And,she asked me for my credit card!I said i dont have one,she said well whoevers buying the AG (cause im getting AG today!)And i said,My mom will NOT give you her credit card!And she said,Copy and paste the number please.I said,IM NOT GETTING U AG.NEITHER IS MY MOM PHAN.She was so sad,but thats not the reason we broke up (in freindship not gf/gf eew im not lesbian!)How we broke up,is,i told her my real age...(believe me its young,i shouldnt even have a facebook!)And i can say bad words on Ameba Pico,she said im getting meaner and meaner.Im freaking nice to the girl!Just because she cant have my moms credit card im mean all the sudden?And i do yell at her...But still!Then,she deleted me.She said, "Fuc you,i hate you." And IM the mean one?Fuc,is a bad word.One that i can say, without my mom knowing.Well,Thats my sad story.Bye bye bloggers.Live your happy life while i live my dumpy one :( Bye bye.
New look!Like? I know i do :D

Friday, February 24, 2012

Omg...Thank you!I have 306 pageveiws!People must like my blog!I know its not likes,but i NEVER got that many pageveiws before!Thank you!Love from yours truley, Crela Richie (Skylar Jones.)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

From cafe to Model Photo Shoot!Im amazing!♥crela♥richie♥ is my name,search it up on pico and see it LIVE!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My cafe is a sucsess!To visit it,remember,my ameba pico name is ♥crela♥richie♥copy and paste it.Bye bye bloggers!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Well,This is my bff (best freind forever) on Ameba Pico.She was sad,so i asked if taking a picture of her to put on my blog would help,and she said: LOL (laugh out loud) YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Basicly whats in the picture.
I was brb (be right back) and then,a random girl,lesbian,started to make out with me.I was back,checked chat history,looked up,she was back.Im like,I WAS BRB EW EW EW.Comment or like if that happend to you before!
Me,taking a bath in the BEST hotle in Ameba Pico.PINOY HOTEL!

Me hanging out with freinds!
Me and my freind coming up with ideas for her room.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Me and Trish having lunch!

The ameba pico life!

Me,copying my freind in whisper.Hehe.

The ameba pico life!

Heres a photo of my Pico! Her name is ♥crela♥richie♥ add her if you want!
Pico Age: 15
Fave Pico Food:Cake
Fave Place:Casino!
                                             Thats all i can think of! Bye bye bloggers!